child care and development in Stockbridge, Georgia

Parenting Resouces Barrington Academy


10 Ways To Be A Great Parent

  1. Be a good role model. Your child learns from the example you set.
  2. Show respect for your child’s feelings, thoughts and suggestions.
  3. Make your child feel loved by praising, giving hugs and kisses.
  4. Keep your promise. If you must break it, apologize and suggest ways to make it up to your child.
  5. Encourage your child’s creativity. Ask questions to stimulate curiosity and imagination.
  6. Build your child’s self –esteem by showing appreciation for all genuine efforts.
  7. Stay involved. Know what’s going on in your child’s life at school and with friends.
  8. Discipline your child fairly, firmly and with love. Focus on behavior, not on the child.
  9. Establish family traditions and make time to do fun things together.
  10. Think positively. By expecting the best, you empower yourself and your child to solve problems and achieve goals.














2011 Barrington Academy        810 Flat Rock Road, Stockbridge, Georgia 30281       770-474-0772                                      site designed by Brenash-Derian