child care and development in Stockbridge, Georgia

Parenting Resources at Barrington Academy


Child Supervision Guidelines

Can my 14 and 16 year old stay home alone overnight? Guidelines about supervision

Each year, our  school is informed about minors staying home alone overnight. We encourage parents to use sound judgment and assess the maturity and responsibility of their children before deciding whether to leave them home alone.

Below are the guidelines provided by Child Protective Services for the amount of time and ages children may be left unsupervised or supervised by a child under 18 years old.

•Children eight (8) years and under should never be left alone.

•Children between the ages of nine (9) and twelve (12) may be left alone for brief periods of time (less than two (2) hours) when the child is determined to be mature by the caretaker. Children between 9 and 12 years old may not supervise other children or younger siblings.

•Children ages thirteen (13) and older may be left alone and may perform the role of baby-sitter as authorized by the parent/caretaker. It is advisable to limit this time to twelve (12) hours or less and only when the child is determined to be mature by the caretaker.
Minor children may not be left alone overnight. It is also suggested that those children over the age of thirteen (13) caring for others should have participated in a course on baby-sitting.

•Older children with special conditions or disabilities should not be left home alone.

All children should know:

•The family emergency plan. (Fire escapes, 911, etc.)

•How to demonstrate the emergency plan.

•Where the parent’s phone numbers are for work and home, their home address, and how to give directions to emergency personnel.

•Support systems in place, in case a parent cannot be reached. (Relatives or neighbors available.)

•Whom to contact if there are language or cultural factors affecting the situation. As much as they may complain about it, minor children—even youth—must have an adult monitoring their care while their parents are away.

Other safety guidelines for children include:


  • Don’t leave a child responsible for food preparation that involves the stove.
  • Even with children who are old enough to be left alone, make a safety plan that includes 911 and rehearse it with your child. Also arrange for neighbors or friends to check in with your child during the time he or she is unsupervised.


  • Always make sure you know where your small child is. Double check your vehicle when you leave it. Check your driveway before backing your vehicle into the street.


  • Do not leave your small child unattended in shopping malls or other public places, including gas stations, even for a moment.

If you have any further questions, please contact our  front desk management staff.

2011 Barrington Academy        810 Flat Rock Road, Stockbridge, Georgia 30281       770-474-0772                                      site designed by Brenash-Derian