child care and development in Stockbridge, Georgia

News & Current Events - January - February, 2011

Child development newsletter Director’s Corner
Happy New Year! It is hard to believe its already 2011. Time sure does fly when you are having fun! We would like to say a great big “Thank you” to all the families who have helped make our recent food drive a huge success. I would like to wish each family a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Thank you for the opportunity to see the holidays through your child’s eyes.

February is a month when we think of the love we have for special people and honor them on Valentine’s Day .We also focus those thoughts of love on the people who have helped make our country special. President’s Day honors George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Upcoming events for 2011
January-14th / 28th Candy bar fund raiser: We will begin the year  with a great fundraiserdaycare events with Barrington Academy that everyone from children to adults enjoy –Assortment of Candy bars. These are easy to distribute and raise funds by families. We already have pre orders of about 60 boxes, so make sure we are able to get your orders in time. You can order ahead of time for these boxes. These will make great friendly gifts for upcoming Valentine’s theme. This fundraiser is going to help Barrington management update Playground equipment for our children to bounce upon.

January -17th Pre-k out (MLK holiday) -- Georgia Pre K is out on January 17th, Monday to observe the Birthday of Martin Luther King. Barrington Academy is open that day, so please make sure Parent’s sign up for care in case needed.

January -20th Dad’s day We are proud to celebrate dad’s day on January 20th, Thursday. All Dad’s are invited to participate in arts n crafts activities featured for Dad’s . There will be refreshments provided in each classroom. Dad’s can come anytime between 9:00 AM till 12:00 PM, some classrooms might be ready for the event early. Please look out for more information in Friday folders.

February 3rd Blood drive 1:30 -6:00pm. Every year, Barrington Academy hosts about four Blood Drive in collaboration with Life South. Life South brings its van along with a nurse to collect blood and we help our parents in preparing for donating blood, by making  sure your children are taken care of and you have plenty of cookies and water to replenish yourself afterwards. Each donor walks away with a T-shirt.

February 14th Valentine’s Day party: Wonderful celebration of Love amongst friends and family on this particular day. All our classrooms are aptly decorated and children learn about friendship, caring and love throughout the week, culminating with a huge party for fun. As usual, you will receive more information in Friday folders or as you come to pick up your children; to sign up for items to bring for the party.

February 21st – 25th Pre-k winter break: Georgia Pre K is closed for this week for holiday. Barrington Academy is open all week. Please make sure you have signed up for the “Friendship Week” , in case you need care. We will be going for a field trip and following the themed curriculum for Friendship Week.


Over the Counter Medications
We are not allowed to give children of any age over the counter medications; this includes Tylenol, Motrin, Nose and Eye Drops. If your child is on any prescribed medication, the medication must be in the ORIGINAL prescribed container and your child’s name must be on the container. A medication release form must be filled out for the director’s to be allowed to administer medications. Please ensure that all sections of the form are filled out completely. This is especially important for this time of year when several children may have breathing machines. Please make sure your child’s breathing machine is labeled with their name.


With the cold weather approaching, colds and viruses are inevitable. If your child develops a fever (over 101.5), diarrhea, or vomiting, remember you will be called to pick up your child. The policy states your child will have to remain out of the center for twenty-four hours from the time of pick-up. The managers or teacher will give you a form reminding you of this policy.


Cooler Weather
Parents...Please be mindful that your child will need a winter change of clothing, including socks and tennis shoes in case they have an accident. Please make sure your child has a jacket or coat daily, we do go outside at least twice a day. It is important for you to label your child’s belongings, especially jackets.



Tuition payments are due on Friday for the next week of care. Per the handbook, if tuition is not paid by close of business on Monday, a late fee of $15.00 will be added on Tuesday. If tuition is still not paid by close of business on Wednesday, another late fee of $8.00 will be added on Thursday. If tuition is not paid by close of business on Thursday, another late fee of $8.00 will be added on Friday. Finally, if tuition is not received by close of business on Friday, your child WILL NOT be allowed to drop off on the next Monday, unless account is cleared. Remember, there is no tuition allowance made for days that we may be closed for the holidays. Please review your handbook and/or speak with a Director if you have any other questions concerning tuition payments.


Craft for the family



To teach young children the importance of
good health and healthy choices.
What You Need:

  • Old food magazines
  • Scissors
  • 2 pieces of cardboard or heavy paper
  • Glue
  • Marker or Pen

What You Do:

  1. Look through the magazines and cuts out food pictures of snacks, sodas, healthy foods -- find a wide variety of both healthy and unhealthy foods.
  2. Using a pen or marker, label the tops of the cardboard or paper. On one sheet, write "Healthy Choices" on the other write, "Unhealthy Choices".
  3. Have the child/children go through the pile of food images, and place the food items in the appropriate category. For example ice cream would go under unhealthy choice and carrots would go under healthy choice.
  4. Discuss each of the items with the child/children and encourage them to start gluing the pictures on the appropriate sheet. For example: explain that too much ice cream can be unhealthy for your teeth and cause you gain weight; explain that carrots are good for your body because they have vitamins that help you to see better; explain that milk is healthy for your bones... etc, etc.


Highlights for January / February



Themes:  for January
1st             “Welcome winter”
Topic:       For the theme welcome winter we will be discussing seasonal changes that may occur during winter...
BOOKS:    “Snow People”  “The Mitten”  “The very big snow man”
Crafts:          Make Shaving Cream Snowmen      Make a Peanuts Snowman

2nd           “China”
Topic:        The children will be able to taste multiple foods that are made and China and learn so much more about the country, its flag and special days…
BOOKS:     “My first Chinese new year”

Crafts:         The children will make Chinese Paper Lanterns  along with Plum Blossoms in representation of the Chinese New Year.

3rd             “Arctic Animals”
Topic:         We will be talking about habitat and what the animals in the Arctic zones eat
BOOKS:        “Penguins”   “Polar Bears”    “without year”
Crafts:          Polar Bear milk jug craft   Walrus paper plate craft

4th              “Ice and Snow”
Topic:          We will conduct science projects consisting of turning liquids to solids , solids to liquid , melting ..
BOOKS:        “Penguins”   “Polar Bears”    “without year”
Crafts:          Moose craft   Polar dessert dish


Themes:  for February

1st             “Dinosaurs”
Topic:       We will be talking about habitat, compare and contrast the difference between the dinosaurs
BOOKS:    “Dinosaurs”    “When dinosaurs go to school”
Crafts:        Paper Finger, Giant dinosaur

2nd           “Dinosaurs”
Topic:        We will be talking about habitat more in depth , compare and contrast the difference between the dinosaurs
BOOKS:     “Dinosaurs”    “When dinosaurs go to school”   “Dinosaurs rock”

Crafts:         Dinosaur egg, Dinosaur hat, Dinosaur coloring books

3rd             “Dental”
Topic:          We will talk about how to take care of our teeth.
BOOKS:        “Zack at the dentist”   “Mosses loose tooth”
Crafts:            Make tooth brushes, make icky teeth models 

4th              “Dental”
Topic:             We will talk about healthy eating habits and how to floss.
BOOKS:        “My wobbly tooth must not ever ever fall out”   , Joey goes to the Dentist
Crafts:           Marshmallow teeth   , Dentist hand puppets



2011 Barrington Academy        810 Flat Rock Road, Stockbridge, Georgia 30281       770-474-0772                                      site designed by Brenash-Derian