child care and development in Stockbridge, Georgia
Programs at Barrington Academy - IXL

Barrington Academy Welcomes IXL & Tablets to the Pre-Kindergarten Classroom!

Technology is here to stay.  The debate on technology and children will undoubtedly continue and experts will weigh in on both sides.  However, as parents, you already see in the daily lives of your children the dynamic role that technology plays in their present – think about what this means for their future! 

Exposure and interaction with current technology provides the opportunity to instruct our students on how to use this powerful information tool to learn and develop skills.  It is important at Barrington Academy to provide a complete educational experience and technology is a key component of our culture that must be included.  Therefore, this school year, we are introducing tablets to our Pre-Kindergarten classroom for guided use and content supplement as well as academic skills practice. 

We are pleased to offer each student in our Private Pre-K Program a subscription to IXL that can be used both at school and at home to reinforce and develop skills in Math.  But that’s not all, IXL is currently developing language arts programming too!  Parents who do not wish their child to be enrolled in this program may opt out.

IXL:  Math for the Left and Right Brain
Math is about so much more than just numbers.  IXL understands this and works to make an online learning experience that is interactive and fun for our Pre-K students! Each math concept is approached from all angles, offering visual representations, word problems, interactive activities, and more. With an abundance of math problems for every learning style, students can't help but build lasting skills and confidence.  Additionally, IXL is the ultimate focused learning environment, free from any gimmicks or distractions. 

IXL's math skills are aligned to the 2011 Common Core Georgia Performance Standards, the 2006 Georgia Pre-K Program Content Standards, the 2006 Georgia Performance Standards, and the 2004 Georgia Performance Standards. 

Not only do students gain new skills on IXL—they gain a whole new appreciation for how fun math can be! From the vibrant images that permeate IXL's activities, to the enticing awards and certificates that are hidden throughout the site, students cannot wait to hop on to IXL—and you'll have trouble tearing them away.



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"Hello I am the mother of Michael and Stephanie Sell. We moved to the Atlanta area in July of 2010 and enrolled the twins at Barrington Academy that month. Being Military we have to move often so sadly they were not able to finish the full year at Barrington. We were transferred to Syracuse, New York just this April. When we went to the local Elementary school to begin enrollment for the twins to begin Kindergarten this coming up fall. The principal suggested they go ahead and test the twins to find out what level they were on, they passed with flying colors. They could write the ABC's, upper and lower case. Count to 100 and count by 10's, add and subtract numbers below 10, and knew sounds of the letters,rhymes, shapes and answered any question they were asked they were ahead of the kindergarden class by strides here in Syracuse, NY. We were told they would be able to go right into first grad this August with no issues at all. We would like to give a big thank to teachers at Barrington. They gave special love, attention and understanding to our twins and helped them to over archive to this level. We are very happy and miss you all."
~ Paul and Jeri Sell


2011 Barrington Academy        810 Flat Rock Road, Stockbridge, Georgia 30281       770-474-0772                                      site designed by Brenash-Derian